Sunday, September 11, 2016

Comic Books You Need to Own: Green Lantern Vol.4 #25 Atrocitus

Green Lantern Vol. 4 #25
Few things drive the collectors market on short term runs better than rumors. The rumors can be anything connected to print run, television shows, movies, hidden appearances, and really just about anything that has the potential to really bump a character’s popularity. After all, more fans chasing the same amount of books equals a price jump; it’s just basic economics folks.

So on that note, this week is seeing some interesting gains with respect to a character that many comic book fans might not even know exist, and pertaining to the first paragraph most of this price bump is a result of rumored appearance in a movie that is not even due to hit theaters until 2020: Green Lantern Corps.

While it is pretty much a given that Sinestro will likely be featured in the flick, another character rumored to be making an appearance is Atrocitus, founder of the Red Lantern Corps. Since the first appearances of Green Lantern and Sinestro are pretty much out of the range of the average collector with regards to price, many are jumping all over Green Lantern Vol.4 #25, which is the first appearance of Atrocitus created by Geoff Johns in 2008.

Most of these copies are still available at reasonable prices. Better yet, some comic book stores still have these in the dollar bin. For being eight years old and what could be a key first appearance, this is a comic book that you really need to pick up before the rest of the collecting world catches on. The price is going to start climbing.

On another note, there is also a Gary Frank cover variant for this book, according to Comic Book Realm, and it is also something that is jumping off the charts in the short term. Who knows where this value will be when the movie finally drops in 2020, that is if the rumors end up being true. You can never really tell with comics.

Of course, there is another level to this whole story as well, because the first full Atrocitus appearance is in Green Lantern Vol. 4 #28, which is also poised to rock and roll up the charts. So savvy collectors are scanning the long boxes of any source they can find to pick up what they can. So be on the lookout, because this one is probable a must have as well with a lot of long-term upside.

Green Lantern Vol.4 #28

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