Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Don't Miss Out on the Million Comics Madness Sale at New Dimension Comics Ellwood City

Comic book shops are one of the little pleasures of life. What’s better than heading into a local comic store and sharing a conversation with a group of like-minded people? Oh, that’s actually an easy question to answer. What’s better? How about a sale, a huge sale that involves about a million comic books. Even better would be to offer all of those great books for the low price of one dollar each. Now that would be even better yet.

Don’t worry if your geek is showing right now, because it’s about to. For one day one, Saturday June 4th, 2016 from 10am to 7pm New Dimension Comics in Ellwood City will be opening all of its warehouses and offering its wares for the low price of one dollar each. This is not a drill, this is reality, and it is a huge win for collectors in the Pittsburgh area looking to score some great deals on some great back issues.

Of course, the Basement at the Ellwood City store is pretty legendary. Since I work at the store, I can attest there are A LOT of comics in order ready to fill those boxes. Better yet, the dollar side on the upstairs features a host of back issues in order as well. The old store a few doors down will be open and the VFW will also be open ready to cater to your dollar book dreams. That’s right, this is the Million Comic Book Sale, and everything is just one dollar.

The biggest question I get is “Yeah, that’s great, but is there anything good buried in those one dollar boxes waiting to be found?” That’s fair, after all digging through long box after long box of unsorted books can be tough on anyone. I can attest to finding Iron Man #282 (the first War Machine) in the VFW and putting back and not being able to find it again. New Mutants #14 and #18 are upstairs in the current store somewhere, along with more than a few variants a lot of folks would love. There’s also a Ratchet & Clank #1 floating around along with more than one Silver Age gem buried. The point is, there are several finds waiting to be had.

Yep, all those hot books are lying around waiting to be found eager to go home with you at the one dollar mark. The Basement is pretty legendary in its own right, because if it’s not down there, it’s not anywhere. Trust me, I’ve been all over this country of ours, and Todd has done a tremendous job of building what is probably the biggest and best collection of back issues anywhere.

Sure I’m biased because I work at New Dimension Comics, but this is one sale that you simply have to make time to attend. It’s all happening at the Ellwood City store this Saturday. I won’t be there, but every other member of the staff will be ready to help you out. Remember, first come first serve.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Don't Bet Against Those Mutants: 'X-Men Apocalypse' Pulls in $65 Million

Well, the votes, which are actually dollars, are in for the first three days of the 2016 Memorial Day Weekend Box Office championship, and those mutants engaged in a decades old struggle for acceptance have pulled out on top once again. In fact, it wasn't a very close competition after all.

According to IGN, "X-Men: Apocalypse" took in $65 million at the box office, which more than doubles the total of "Alice: Through the Looking Glass." While the Johnny Depp sequel failed to draw an audience, those X-Men are moving strong. The latest installment of the franchise is even managing an over seventy percent favorable rating on Rotten Tomatoes with a near fifty-percent review rating, while not a perfect score by any means the reviews have been consistent.

"X-Men: Apocalypse" was one of those films that many were concerned with. The large cast was going to give every character some competition for screen time, and it was the third mega-release in the superhero genre in the past few months with Batman V Superman and Civil War already making debuts. Still, these X-films will continue to be compared with "Deadpool," which performed outrageously well (It is still the best debut for any X-Men franchise movie).

There are still a few superhero releases coming in the year, and most of the eyes will be centered on "Suicide Squad." The fact is: The genre is not dead and the box office dollars simply do not lie, because there is room for improvement and innovation.

The X-Men have been a fan favorite for years (probably decades), and the latest film leaves enough open for another flick or two and several spin offs. It's a respectable debut, and it really keeps the franchise alive.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Comic Books You Need to Own: Convergence: Superman #2

In this section, we like to highlight some of the hottest trending comic books. So up first, is this little gem that went largely unappreciated upon its release. In Convergence: Superman #2, the DC Comic world is introduced to Jonathan Kent as a baby, who grows up to be the new Superboy. With the DC Universe Rebirth tie-in that was sort of unexpected, collectors are scrambling to add this first appearance to their collections. Of course, the story is actually pretty good as well, which can't be said about many of the Convergence mini-series.

The cool part about this book is that it can be found in dollar bins in comic book shops across the country still; however, word has started to spread and they are being snapped up at record pace. Sales on online auction sites are starting to approach the $10 level, which makes it a pretty sound bet for speculators. While the ramifications of Rebirth are still fairly unclear, this could be a key issue by the end of the summer instead of the mildly interesting title it is right now.

Convergence was sort of an interesting affair when it happened, but it looks like DC and Geoff Johns are eager to tie everything together into a nice neat package. That's a pretty impressive task that should scare the pants of comic book fans everywhere. Who knows where the path will lead?

Still from a buying point of view, Convergence: Superman #2 will be one of those comics you wish you picked up when you saw it in the bargain section and it could become one of those books you wish you added to your collection when it was just a ten dollars book. It's always tough to say, but with limited back issues available at your local comic store, pick it up and take a shot at cover price or below. This one is probably worth the risk.

On a scale of one to Naomi VonKreeps, this ranks near the top.