Friday, August 12, 2016

Rogue One Olympic Trailer Delivers on the Build Anticipation Checklist

The pretty obvious elephant in the room when it comes to geek culture is this December’s “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.” Now that a freshly cut trailer has made its debut during NBC’s coverage of the Rio Olympics, fans have been trying to gauge whether or not the force is strong with this one.

Well, if you spared the two minutes or so already, you probably have your own conclusion. In my humble opinion, this trailer looks pretty well put together. I mean, my one complaint about the Star Wars Universe was that there simply were not enough characters, so it made sense to add a few more (read: sarcasm).

That being said, Rogue One looks like it will have pretty common Star Wars elements. Distant planets? Check. A dude that looks like Morgan Freeman? Check. An annoying droid that just might steal the show? Check. Massive fight sequences? Check. A cameo from Darth Vader? Big fat check.

The last few seconds with Vader are perhaps the most titillating few seconds for Star Wars fans since the whole “Chewie, We’re home” statement. The Sith Lord looks like he is ready to make sure the Death Star goes operational at best (we all know how the story ends).

It’s always hard to gauge a film from the trailers, because the comic book and geek set has been somewhat let down this year from film makers and even television show creators. There have been wins as well, and that means there should be at least a little bit of confidence in Rogue One.

If any fictional universe can make stand alone stories happen, it is Star Wars. The simple reason is the amount of characters. Let’s face it, there are a lot of riveting characters that can be explored in their own right. Opening the non-timeline films with the story of how the rebels got their hands on those plans in the first place is actually a stroke of pure genius.

The story takes place just before Star Wars: A New Hope, which means there will be plenty of Easter Eggs for fans.  Just don’t call it a prequel, because that ship has sailed.

The success of the film will draw on the nostalgia and interest from the current massive fan base, which is not really a surprise. Star Wars fans should flock to Rogue One, it’s the repeat business and the chance to draw in additional eyeballs to the entire franchise that generate the huge box office grosses.

Worries about reshoots and changes to what was first intended to be are both good reasons for concern. However, the new trailer, which likely will not be the last, should be enough to satisfy the curiosity of even the most concerned fan. Of course, just like Superman and Batman will tell you, making a great trailer is one thing, making a great movie is something altogether different.

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