Thursday, June 2, 2016

DC Batman Rebirth Heading to Second Printing Wonderland

DC Comics is really ripping up the comic book inventory so far this summer. Rebirth is THE hot topic of conversation and THE hot comic books that every fan needs to be picking up. The $2.99 cover price is not really hurting things, but of course it remains to be seen just how loved and iconic these issues can get. Remember, we try not to spoil things here at Let Your Geek Show, so read on without a whole lot of fear.

So far we have been unable to nail down the print run for Batman: Rebirth, which is pretty typical of new release comics. It seems pretty reasonable to think that comic book stores and booksellers were a little gun shy of the DC reboot/rehash or whatever  you want to call it, which trigger lesser than massive sale quantities. A lot of stores are already sold out of Batman Rebirth, Superman Rebirth, and the regular old Rebirth #1 (which debuted last week).

Bleeding Cool has revealed that Rebirth #1 will get going in for a third printing with yet another variant cover priced at $5.99, which could be worth picking up from a value sake. Usually the print runs get small the deeper companies head into runs. However, the big news is that Batman Rebirth, Superman Rebirth, Green Arrow Rebirth, and Green Lanterns Rebirth are all going in for second printings.

With Batman Rebirth being today's focus, there is a reveal in the pages you can read about here if you want to be spoiled, that could drive the price higher. Already though, online sales are heading towards $8 for this book that was $2.99 on the shelf. The variant in particular is drawing eyes and dollars from eager buyers.

The sum of the equation is pretty simple though: An interesting reveal plus what might be a limited print run (it will be at least two weeks until concrete sales data is released) equals a rack price book that you need to pick up. It's really that simple, a three dollar investment in Batman Rebirth #1 First Printing just can't be ignored.

Does the book have serious potential? I'm afraid the answer is yes. Take a look at what the New 52 #1's featuring Batman have done, and you realize what you should be doing. On a scale of one to Jessica Nigri, this book arrives at an eight. Head out to the comic shop and hope you can find one still priced at cover. You'll be glad you did.

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