Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Don't Miss Out on the Million Comics Madness Sale at New Dimension Comics Ellwood City

Comic book shops are one of the little pleasures of life. What’s better than heading into a local comic store and sharing a conversation with a group of like-minded people? Oh, that’s actually an easy question to answer. What’s better? How about a sale, a huge sale that involves about a million comic books. Even better would be to offer all of those great books for the low price of one dollar each. Now that would be even better yet.

Don’t worry if your geek is showing right now, because it’s about to. For one day one, Saturday June 4th, 2016 from 10am to 7pm New Dimension Comics in Ellwood City will be opening all of its warehouses and offering its wares for the low price of one dollar each. This is not a drill, this is reality, and it is a huge win for collectors in the Pittsburgh area looking to score some great deals on some great back issues.

Of course, the Basement at the Ellwood City store is pretty legendary. Since I work at the store, I can attest there are A LOT of comics in order ready to fill those boxes. Better yet, the dollar side on the upstairs features a host of back issues in order as well. The old store a few doors down will be open and the VFW will also be open ready to cater to your dollar book dreams. That’s right, this is the Million Comic Book Sale, and everything is just one dollar.

The biggest question I get is “Yeah, that’s great, but is there anything good buried in those one dollar boxes waiting to be found?” That’s fair, after all digging through long box after long box of unsorted books can be tough on anyone. I can attest to finding Iron Man #282 (the first War Machine) in the VFW and putting back and not being able to find it again. New Mutants #14 and #18 are upstairs in the current store somewhere, along with more than a few variants a lot of folks would love. There’s also a Ratchet & Clank #1 floating around along with more than one Silver Age gem buried. The point is, there are several finds waiting to be had.

Yep, all those hot books are lying around waiting to be found eager to go home with you at the one dollar mark. The Basement is pretty legendary in its own right, because if it’s not down there, it’s not anywhere. Trust me, I’ve been all over this country of ours, and Todd has done a tremendous job of building what is probably the biggest and best collection of back issues anywhere.

Sure I’m biased because I work at New Dimension Comics, but this is one sale that you simply have to make time to attend. It’s all happening at the Ellwood City store this Saturday. I won’t be there, but every other member of the staff will be ready to help you out. Remember, first come first serve.

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