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New Warriors #1 (first printing) |
Looking ahead is always a difficult task. Nobody really
knows what will happen. Those words ring pretty much true regardless of which
industry anyone is talking about. The comic book world and the world of
investing in those ultra-cool colorful pieces of awesomeness is really no
different. After all, if anyone had a crystal ball, those would be the chosen
few knowing far in advance what books were going to be hot.
The coming year holds A LOT of comic book movies and
television shows, and a whole lot of promise. Pop culture has an enormous
impact on the comic books world, because popularity drives demand, which turn
drives price. Scarcity matters too, but in the end, it’s all about what people
want. The big books will always be hot, those comic book gold mines, but with
the year just beginning to unfold, here are five issues you will want to keep
your eyes out for at your local comic shop.
New Warriors #1
What? Really? Yep, with a television show from ABC in the
works (an animated comedy it looks like), the upside to this already difficult
to find 1990 series is actually pretty positive. There are even two printings
to chase to make it a little more attainable, but either one is a buy rated
title at the $5 and under level.
DMZ #1
Yep, another title with a television show in the works. DMZ
#1 currently sits with a $4 value on Comic Book Realm, but that value could
change drastically with the fortunes of the series. In any case, with suck a
low purchase price the upside of finding it in dollar bins is increased, which
means the chances of it vanishing quickly and reappearing with ten dollar plus
tag is extremely likely.
The Question #17
With another cryptic television show announcement, DC has
ignited the collecting world on fire. The Watchmen has already gained some
pretty serious traction thanks to some interesting rebirth tie-ins, but The
Question #17 features the first inclusion of Rorschach into the mainstream DC
Universe. Already a $15 book, look for interest and prices to climb as the year
and Rebirth storylines continue to heat up.
Uncanny X-Men#267
First appearances are always a hot commodity, and Uncanny
#266 is already a high priced book thanks to the first appearance of Gambit.
The second appearance of Gambit occurs one issue later in #267 (this all goes
against the whole annual first artwork of Gambit BTW). This particular issue
has a great chance of getting boosted to the $15 or $25 level with the
inclusion of the character into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The movie
centered around the character could really bump up the value, and it probably
Anything with X-23 in the Title
X-23 will be in the new Wolverine movie, and the early
trailer received some pretty good reviews, which means may collectors are
jumping all over X-23 books. It simply does not matter which ones these days,
because everything with the character is seeing a boost. Since she was already
featured in one, two, what is it now? Three or four video games?, X-23 is
moving closer to Deadpool status by selling simply with an appearance. If you
see any of these priced sub-five bucks, pick them up, you’ll likely not get a
chance again at that price point.
So again, 2017 looks like another year where pop culture
will influence the price of comic books. It’s not a real surprise since
popularity is tied directly to price, but with so many great comics being
printed each and every month, taking a few minutes to look at what your LCBS
has priced in the dollar bin or below can really make a staggering impact on
your collection. These can be some of the best books with regards to turn
around or flip value.
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